For the past one week, we have been cooped up in the house thanks to the swine flu enforced holiday, and being a bit unwell myself, I did not want to risk going anywhere and actually getting the dreaded flu of the moment. We had no choice but to occupy ourselves at home to the best of our ability. To be fair to him, he kept away from the TV most of the time, turning to it only when we were lost for ideas. While we caught up on a lot of stories we hadn’t read in a long time, and I also managed to teach him how to turn the computer on himself, and even type a few lines by himself. Of course, that kept him occupied for quite a while… (So now you know who is going to contribute next to my blog!!!)
But this blog is not about that. This is blog is about something both of us spent time making these last few days…
Samhith loves blocks, and they are the only things sure to make him sit down for more than a few minutes at a time. This week, we made quite a few things, and finally decided to make something big and nice. He had only one condition – I should write about it on my blog. So here they are….
This house is a combined effort – me the foundations and the details, the actual work done by Samhith.

Here is a rear-view...

All these other things are purely Samhith’s.
This is a playground…. And behind it is a coconut tree…. and there is also a water-tap....

And these are assorted buildings and vehicles… and even a traffic signal!

As I write this, Samhith is peeping in now and then, trying to read what I have written……If you like it, do write and let me know. He will be thrilled!
Meanwhile, here are a few other things we have made with his blocks in the past….. I intended to write a post on these, but never got around to actually writing it. What would be better than adding them to this post, which is about his blocks anyway? So, here goes….
This one is one of the first we ever made - this is a map of our area.... evreryone in our family is obsessed with maps, and Samhith seems to have that in his genes too....
Now this one is special - this was just after his birthday, and he has used up every single piece of blocks and the Thomas the tank engine set he got for his birthday..
This one is a temple and some buildings around it...
and this one is a house with a maze adjoining it..... totally samhith's idea.. and the maze is completely his work..
Here is another house with a garden.....
and another...
and more...